Operations are on public roads. Please stay
safe when taking photographs and keep to the pavements.
And make sure you do not obstruct any TfL bus
Send us your pictures,
for this site
We are putting up a gallery of pictures of the event. We
would welcome any good pictures from you. We can’t pay you but if
we use your photographs we will credit you and, of course,
copyright remains with you. Please e-mail digital images or scanned
prints. We will resize them if necessary. If you have prints but no
scanner, please contact us at the same address and we’ll let you
know where to send them. We will return the prints if you ask us
A selection of places that might be good for
The busiest points will be Clapton Pond (38A,178,208,208A,
715B), Hackney Wick (178,208,208A,236, 715B) and Leyton Green (38A,
236 and 720).
At Clapton Pond, subject to traffic and drivers’ discretion,
178, 208 and 208A services may circle the current route 38
Almshouses terminus from the south before terminating at Stop L in
Lower Clapton Road (layover just north of stop L). Scope for
southbound action shots as buses (38A, 178, 208/A, 715B) come off
the Lea Bridge Road roundabout into Lower Clapton Road to pick up
at stop E. Please use recognised crossing places to cross the
road - there was a pedestrian fatality here recently.

At Hackney Wick, all routes
except 208 serve the junction of Eastway and Osborne Road.
Eastway runs SW/NE at this point so if it is sunny it may be best
for Stratford-bound 178, Clapton-bound 208A, and 236 to Dalston or
Mildmay Park. For the 208, walk about 100 yards west from the
south end of Eastway to the junction of Cadogan Terrace and Wick
Road. Backgrounds that seem little changed from the 1960s are
available in Chapman Road (178) and White Post Lane (178,
Bridges are popular photo-spots. The classic site is
Carpenters Road where Stratford-bound RLHs on the 178 will emerge
slowly (the clearance is very tight) from the low rail bridge,
facing south-east. (The picture here is the other side, which
is fine if the sun is not shining.)
South-facing RFs on the 208/A coming under the low bridge in
Kenworthy Road might also make a good picture.
The road immediately in front of Leyton Garage is one-way from
north to south so could make for good photos (from the triangular
green) of 38As, 236s and 720s arriving at and departing from the
garage. The public (including photographers) are not
permitted inside Leyton Garage, which is private property.
If you know the area, you may have other ideas for
photo-opportunities. Share them with us here and we will look at
adding them to the list.
Photos on this page
© Steve Whitelegg (3) and Peter
Osborn (1).